tk11::Window_Parameters Struct Reference

Window parameters. More...

#include <window.hpp>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 Window_Parameters ()
 Default constructor.

Public Attributes

Init_Callback init_callback
 Callback for scene initialization.
Render_Callback render_callback
 Callback for scene rendering.
Aux_Render_Callback aux_render_callback
 Callback for auxiliary rendering.
Update_Callback update_callback
 Callback for scene update.
Resize_Callback resize_callback
 Callback for target window resize.
Message_Callback message_callback
 Callback for windows message hook.
Deactivate_Callback deactivate_callback
 Callback for window deactivation.
Activate_Callback activate_callback
 Callback for window activation.
Mouse_Move_Callback mouse_move_callback
 Callback for mouse pointer movement.
Mouse_Leave_Callback mouse_enter_callback
 Callback for mouse pointer entering the window.
Mouse_Leave_Callback mouse_leave_callback
 Callback for mouse pointer leaving the window.
Mouse_Down_Callback mouse_down_callback
 Callback for mouse button press.
Mouse_Up_Callback mouse_up_callback
 Callback for mouse button release.
Mouse_Motion_Callback mouse_motion_callback
 Callback for high-precision relative mouse motion.
Key_Down_Callback key_down_callback
 Callback for key press.
Key_Up_Callback key_up_callback
 Callback for key release.
Key_Repeat_Callback key_repeat_callback
 Callback for key repeat.
Char_Input_Callback char_input_callback
 Callback for character input.
Mouse_Wheel_Callback mouse_wheel_callback
 Callback for mouse wheel motion.
unsigned int x_resolution
 X resolution of target window.
unsigned int y_resolution
 Y resolution of target window.
bool fullscreen
 Fullscreen mode.
bool auto_depth_stencil
 Automatically create depth/stencil buffer.
DXGI_FORMAT auto_depth_stencil_format
 Format of automatically created depth/stencil buffer.
unsigned int presentation_interval
 Presentation interval in number of frames.
Active_Condition active_condition
 Condition for window being active.
Cursor_Mode cursor_mode
 Strategy for displaying Windows mouse cursor.
const TCHAR * window_title
 Window title.

Detailed Description

Window parameters.

See also:

cube.cpp, empty.cpp, empty_class.cpp, input.cpp, and torus.cpp.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
Tk11 Direct3D 11 Toolkit version 0.2 (SourceForge)
Copyright Florian Winter 2010 - 2010. Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
(See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
Generated on Sun Apr 11 20:23:04 2010 for Tk11 by  doxygen 1.6.3