tk11::D3D11_Depth_Stencil_Desc | Direct3D 11 Depth/Stencil state description |
tk11::D3D11_Depth_Stencil_View_Desc | Direct3D 11 Depth/stencil view description |
tk11::D3D11_Rasterizer_Desc | Direct3D 11 Rasterizer state description |
tk11::D3D11_Texture2D_Desc | Direct3D 11 2D texture description |
tk11::Direct3D_Error | A Direct3D API function failed |
tk11::Exception | Exception base class |
tk11::Failed_To_Create_Window | Failed to create window |
tk11::Failed_To_Register_Window_Class | Failed to register window class |
tk11::File_Not_Found | A file was not found |
tk11::Framework | Direct3D Rendering framework |
tk11::Framework_Parameters | Framework parameters |
tk11::Input_Element_Format< T, N > | Get input element format for a vector type |
tk11::Mapped_Subresource | Scoped mapped subresource |
tk11::Precision_Clock | A clock which measures the current system time |
tk11::Register_Raw_Input_Failed | Failed to register taw input device |
tk11::Render_Target_Binding | Automatic binding of a render target |
tk11::Secondary_Clock | A secondary clock which is driven by an input clock |
tk11::Window | Direct3D Rendering window |
tk11::Window_Parameters | Window parameters |