
Collaboration diagram for Callbacks:


typedef boost::optional< LRESULT > tk11::Message_Result
 Optional result of window procedure.
typedef boost::function< void(ID3D11Device_ptr)> tk11::Init_Callback
 Callback type for scene initialization.
typedef boost::function< void(ID3D11DeviceContext_ptr,
 Callback type for scene rendering.
typedef boost::function< void(ID3D11DeviceContext_ptr)> tk11::Aux_Render_Callback
 Callback type for auxiliary scene rendering.
typedef boost::function< void(const
Duration &)> 
 Callback type for scene update.
typedef boost::function< void(unsigned
int, unsigned int, bool,
 Callback type for target window resize.
typedef boost::function
< Message_Result(HWND, UINT,
 Callback type for windows message hook.
typedef boost::function< void()> tk11::Deactivate_Callback
 Callback type for window deactivation.
typedef boost::function< void()> tk11::Activate_Callback
 Callback type for window activation.
typedef boost::function< void(int,
 Callback type for mouse pointer movement.
typedef boost::function< void()> tk11::Mouse_Enter_Callback
 Callback type for mouse pointer entering the window.
typedef boost::function< void()> tk11::Mouse_Leave_Callback
 Callback type for mouse pointer leaving the window.
typedef boost::function< void(Mouse_Button,
int, int)> 
 Callback type for mouse button press.
typedef boost::function< void(Mouse_Button,
int, int)> 
 Callback type for mouse button release.
typedef boost::function< void(int,
 Callback type for high precision mouse motion.
typedef boost::function< void(int,
int, int)> 
 Callback type for mouse wheel motion.
typedef boost::function< void(unsigned
 Callback type for key press.
typedef boost::function< void(unsigned
 Callback type for key release.
typedef boost::function< void(unsigned
 Callback type for key repeat.
typedef boost::function< void(unsigned
 Callback type for character input.


enum  tk11::Mouse_Button { tk11::left_button = 0, tk11::middle_button = 1, tk11::right_button = 2, tk11::extra_button1 = 3, tk11::extra_button2 = 4 }

Mouse button identifiers.



void init (tk11::ID3D11Device_ptr device)
 Callback for scene initialization (callback).
void render (tk11::ID3D11DeviceContext_ptr context, tk11::ID3D11RenderTargetView_ptr render_target, ID3D11DepthStencilView_ptr depth_stencil)
 Callback for scene rendering (callback).
void aux_render (tk11::ID3D11DeviceContext_ptr context)
 Callback for auxiliary rendering (callback).
void update (const tk11::Duration &elapsed_time)
 Callback for auxiliary rendering (callback).
void resize (unsigned int x_resolution, unsigned int y_resolution, bool fullscreen, tk11::ID3D11Device_ptr device, tk11::IDXGISwapChain_ptr swap_chain, tk11::ID3D11Texture2D_ptr back_buffer)
 Callback for target window resize (callback).
tk11::Message_Result message (HWND window, UINT message, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam)
 Callback for windows message hook (callback).
void deactivate ()
 Callback for window deactivation (callback).
void activate ()
 Callback for window activation (callback).
void mouse_move (int x, int y)
 Callback for mouse pointer movement (callback).
void mouse_enter ()
 Callback for mouse pointer entering the window (callback).
void mouse_leave ()
 Callback for mouse pointer leaving the window (callback).
void mouse_down (tk11::Mouse_Button button, int x, int y)
 Callback for mouse button press (callback).
void mouse_up (tk11::Mouse_Button button, int x, int y)
 Callback for mouse button release (callback).
void mouse_motion (int delta_x, int delta_y)
 Callback for high-precision mouse motion (callback).
void mouse_wheel (int delta, int x, int y)
 Callback for mouse wheel movement (callback).
void key_down (unsigned int key)
 Callback for key press (callback).
void key_up (unsigned int key)
 Callback for key release (callback).
void key_repeat (unsigned int key)
 Callback for key repeat (callback).
void char_input (unsigned int char_)
 Callback for character input(callback).


const boost::none_t tk11::not_handled = boost::none
 Default result of a window procedure.

Detailed Description

Callbacks are used by the framework to call functions or class methods of the application at certain events. This is similar to callbacks in GLUT or other graphics toolkits.

Callbacks are represented as boost::function objects. This gives application programmers maximum flexibility. On the one hand, it is possible to simply assign a function pointer (to a free function) to a callback, which is as simple as assigning callbacks in GLUT. On the other hand, the application developer can use boost::bind to assign member functions of objects as callbacks (delegates).

For more information, see and

Callbacks for a specific window are set in the tk11::Window_Parameters structure when creating a window. Global callbacks are set in the tk11::Framework_Parameters structure when creating the framework.


Callbacks, in general, are allowed to throw exceptions. The framework is exception-neutral and exception-safe, which means that resources will be released if necessary, and the method of the framework which invoked the callback (either the constructor or the run/frame method) will rethrow the exception.

In particular, if an exception is thrown while the main loop was running, the application may choose to handle the exception and then invoke the main loop again. If an exception is thrown while the framework was being constructed, then construction will fail, and the application may choose to retry creating the framework, maybe with different parameters.

It is recommended to handle exceptions within callbacks whenever possible. Possible means that the callback is actually able to handle the exception and do something meaningful to respond to it. A callback implementation should not blindly catch all exceptions.

Framework vs. Window callbacks

Framework callbacks, also called global callbacks, are registered in tk11::Framework_Parameters. These callbacks are invoked independently of any windows. For example, the global update callback is invoked once per frame and can be used for updating "global" variables, the global aux_render callback can be used for rendering to common textures used by all windows, and the global init callback can be used to create shared Direct3D resources.

Window callbacks are registered in tk11::Window_Parameters. These callbacks are related to the windows for which they are invoked. For example, the update callback is invoked once per frame per window. Some callbacks exist only as window callbacks, because they are only meaningful in the context of a window. Examples of such callbacks are resize, render and all user input callbacks.

For an application with only one rendering window, it is OK to register only window callbacks. An application with multiple windows may have to register a few global callbacks as well in order to initialize and update resources shared by all windows.

Typedef Documentation

typedef boost::function<void()> tk11::Activate_Callback

Callback type for window activation.

See also:
typedef boost::function<void(ID3D11DeviceContext_ptr)> tk11::Aux_Render_Callback

Callback type for auxiliary scene rendering.

See also:
typedef boost::function<void(unsigned int)> tk11::Char_Input_Callback

Callback type for character input.

See also:
typedef boost::function<void()> tk11::Deactivate_Callback

Callback type for window deactivation.

See also:
typedef boost::function<void(ID3D11Device_ptr)> tk11::Init_Callback

Callback type for scene initialization.

See also:
typedef boost::function<void(unsigned int)> tk11::Key_Down_Callback

Callback type for key press.

See also:
typedef boost::function<void(unsigned int)> tk11::Key_Repeat_Callback

Callback type for key repeat.

See also:
typedef boost::function<void(unsigned int)> tk11::Key_Up_Callback

Callback type for key release.

See also:
typedef boost::function<Message_Result(HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM)> tk11::Message_Callback

Callback type for windows message hook.

See also:
typedef boost::optional<LRESULT> tk11::Message_Result

Optional result of window procedure.

This type is used as return type of the message callback, as well as internally in the framework. It optionally holds an LRESULT value to be returned by the window procedure.

  • A value of not_handled causes DefWindowProc to be called. The window procedure will return the result returned by DefWindowProc
  • Any other value (e.g. TRUE) will be returned by the window procedure without calling DefWindowProc

The exact meaning of the result value depends on the type of message being handled. If a callback does not handle a certain message, then it should return not_handled.

See also:
not_handled, message
typedef boost::function<void(Mouse_Button, int, int)> tk11::Mouse_Down_Callback

Callback type for mouse button press.

See also:
typedef boost::function<void()> tk11::Mouse_Enter_Callback

Callback type for mouse pointer entering the window.

See also:
typedef boost::function<void()> tk11::Mouse_Leave_Callback

Callback type for mouse pointer leaving the window.

See also:
typedef boost::function<void(int, int)> tk11::Mouse_Motion_Callback

Callback type for high precision mouse motion.

See also:
typedef boost::function<void(int, int)> tk11::Mouse_Move_Callback

Callback type for mouse pointer movement.

See also:
typedef boost::function<void(Mouse_Button, int, int)> tk11::Mouse_Up_Callback

Callback type for mouse button release.

See also:
typedef boost::function<void(int, int, int)> tk11::Mouse_Wheel_Callback

Callback type for mouse wheel motion.

See also:
typedef boost::function<void(ID3D11DeviceContext_ptr, ID3D11RenderTargetView_ptr, ID3D11DepthStencilView_ptr)> tk11::Render_Callback

Callback type for scene rendering.

See also:
typedef boost::function<void(unsigned int, unsigned int, bool, ID3D11Device_ptr, IDXGISwapChain_ptr, ID3D11Texture2D_ptr)> tk11::Resize_Callback

Callback type for target window resize.

See also:
typedef boost::function<void(const Duration&)> tk11::Update_Callback

Callback type for scene update.

See also:

Enumeration Type Documentation

Mouse button identifiers.


Left mouse button.


Middle mouse button.


Right mouse button.


Extra mouse button #1.


Extra mouse button #2.

Function Documentation

void activate (  ) 

Callback for window activation (callback).

This callback is invoked whenever a target window is deactivated. Applications can use this callback to start any tasks which are needed only while frames are being rendered. Note that the render and update callbacks are not invoked while the window is deactivated.

See also:
void aux_render ( tk11::ID3D11DeviceContext_ptr  context  ) 

Callback for auxiliary rendering (callback).

This callback is invoked once per frame for the framework and once again for every window when the framework is ready for rendering to auxiliary targets, such as textures.

The application is responsible for binding render targets before rendering. For rendering the scene to the back buffer, the render callback should be used instead.

context Interface of Direct3D device context
See also:
tk11::Aux_Render_Callback, render
void char_input ( unsigned int  char_  ) 

Callback for character input(callback).

This callback is invoked when a key has been pressed or repeated. Unlike the key_down, key_repeat and key_up callbacks, this callback receives the key code as an UTF-16 character code, which can be inserted into a string or displayed on the screen.

char_ UTF-16 Character code
See also:
tk11::Char_Input, key_down, key_repeat, key_up
void deactivate (  ) 

Callback for window deactivation (callback).

This callback is invoked whenever a target window is deactivated. Applications can use this callback to stop any tasks which are not needed while no frames are being rendered. Note that the render and update callbacks are not invoked while the window is deactivated.

See also:
void init ( tk11::ID3D11Device_ptr  device  ) 

Callback for scene initialization (callback).

This callback is invoked at startup of the framework and possibly again when a lost device has been restored. The application should create all resources from within this callback, replacing or destroying existing resources if necessary.

At startup, this callback is invoked before the resize callback, so if any resources depend on the viewport size, then these resources should be created from within resize.

device Interface of Direct3D device
See also:
tk11::Init_Callback, Framework
cube.cpp, empty.cpp, empty_class.cpp, input.cpp, and torus.cpp.
void key_down ( unsigned int  key  ) 

Callback for key press (callback).

This callback is invoked when a key has been pressed. The key is identified by its Windows virtual key code. See the MSDN documentation about virtual key codes.

This callback is not invoked on key repeat. To be notified on key repeat, use the key_repeat callback. If key repeat and initial key press should be handled in the same way, simply bind both callbacks to the same function.

Virtual key codes are not character codes. For character input in UTF-16 format, use the char_input callback.

key Virtual key code
See also:
tk11::Key_Down_Callback, key_repeat, key_up, char_input
void key_repeat ( unsigned int  key  ) 

Callback for key repeat (callback).

This callback is invoked on key repeat, i.e. when a key which is being held down is repeated. The key is identified by its Windows virtual key code. See the MSDN documentation about virtual key codes.

Virtual key codes are not character codes. For character input in UTF-16 format, use the char_input callback.

key Virtual key code
See also:
tk11::Key_Repeat_Callback, key_down, key_repeat, char_input
void key_up ( unsigned int  key  ) 

Callback for key release (callback).

This callback is invoked when a key has been released. The key is identified by its Windows virtual key code. See the MSDN documentation about virtual key codes.

This callback is not invoked on key repeat.

Virtual key codes are not character codes. For character input in UTF-16 format, use the char_input callback.

key Virtual key code
See also:
tk11::Key_Up_Callback, key_down, key_up, char_input
tk11::Message_Result message ( HWND  window,
UINT  message,
WPARAM  wparam,
LPARAM  lparam 

Callback for windows message hook (callback).

This callback is invoked whenever a window which was created by the Framework has received a message. It can be used by applications to hook into the window procedure and handle messages.

If the callback function does not handle the message it received, it should return tk11::not_handled. Otherwise, the meaning of the return value depends on the type of message being handled. See the documentation of the type tk11::Message_Result for more information.

Note that some types of messages are handled by the framework. If this callback handles such a message (i.e. it returns a result other than tk11::not_handled), then the framework will not handle the message. This may cause certain features of the framework not to function as expected.


window Handle of window which received the message
message Type of message
wparam First parameter
lparam Second parameter
Optional result of the message, see tk11::Message_Result
See also:
void mouse_down ( tk11::Mouse_Button  button,
int  x,
int  y 

Callback for mouse button press (callback).

This callback is invoked whenever a mouse button is pressed while the mouse pointer is in the client area of a framework window, or while the mouse is captured.

button Button which was pressed
x X position of mouse pointer in window client area
y Y position of mouse pointer in window client area
See also:
void mouse_enter (  ) 

Callback for mouse pointer entering the window (callback).

This callback is invoked when the mouse pointer has entered the visible part of the client area of a framework window.

See also:
void mouse_leave (  ) 

Callback for mouse pointer leaving the window (callback).

This callback is invoked when the mouse pointer has leaves the visible part of the client area of a framework window.

See also:
void mouse_motion ( int  delta_x,
int  delta_y 

Callback for high-precision mouse motion (callback).

This callback is invoked whenever the mouse is moved. It provides relative, unbounded mouse motion data to the application, which is not limited to the screen resolution.

Raw input is read only while the framework window is the active window. Otherwise, raw input is ignored, and this callback is not invoked.

delta_x Relative X motion component
delta_y Relative Y motion component
See also:
void mouse_move ( int  x,
int  y 

Callback for mouse pointer movement (callback).

This callback is invoked when the mouse pointer was moved over a framework window. The absolute position of the mouse pointer in the window client area are passed to the callback as parameters.

Application should use this callback for tracking the position of the mouse pointer, typically when implementing a GUI with mouse or touch screen input.

If high-precision relative mouse input is needed (e.g. when implementing mouse look in an FPS game), the mouse_motion callback should be used instead.

x X position of mouse pointer in window client area
y Y position of mouse pointer in window client area
See also:
void mouse_up ( tk11::Mouse_Button  button,
int  x,
int  y 

Callback for mouse button release (callback).

This callback is invoked whenever a mouse button is released while the mouse pointer is in the client area of a framework window, or while the mouse is captured.

button Button which was released
x X position of mouse pointer in window client area
y Y position of mouse pointer in window client area
See also:
void mouse_wheel ( int  delta,
int  x,
int  y 

Callback for mouse wheel movement (callback).

This callback is invoked when the mouse wheel is turned. Its parameters include the relative distance the wheel was moved, as well as the current mouse cursor position.

A positive delta value indicates that the wheel was rotated forward, i.e. away from the user. A negative value indicates that the wheel was rotated backward, i.e. toward the user.

Mouse wheel input is received if and only if the framework window is the active window, regardless whether the mouse cursor is over the client area of the window.

delta Mouse wheel delta
x X position of mouse pointer in window client area
y Y position of mouse pointer in window client area
See also:
void render ( tk11::ID3D11DeviceContext_ptr  context,
tk11::ID3D11RenderTargetView_ptr  render_target,
ID3D11DepthStencilView_ptr  depth_stencil 

Callback for scene rendering (callback).

This callback is invoked once per frame when the scene should be rendered to the main render target (the back buffer). The framework binds the back buffer as render target of the immediate context before invocation of this callback. This is done only if a callback has been set.

The application must not change the render target within this callback. For rendering to other targets, such as textures, the application must provide a aux_render callback.

Note that the depth_stencil parameter is a null pointer, unless the window was created with the tk11::Window_Parameters::auto_depth_stencil flag set to true. In this case, the framework takes care of creating a depth buffer, resizing it when needed, and passing an interface to it to the render callback.

context Interface of Direct3D device context
render_target Interface of render target view
depth_stencil Interface of depth/stencil view
See also:
tk11::Render_Callback, aux_render
cube.cpp, empty.cpp, empty_class.cpp, input.cpp, and torus.cpp.
void resize ( unsigned int  x_resolution,
unsigned int  y_resolution,
bool  fullscreen,
tk11::ID3D11Device_ptr  device,
tk11::IDXGISwapChain_ptr  swap_chain,
tk11::ID3D11Texture2D_ptr  back_buffer 

Callback for target window resize (callback).

This callback is invoked at startup and whenever the size of the target window was changed, or the application has switched between fullscreen and windowed mode.

The application can use this callback to update variables which depend on the current target window size or fullscreen resolution, and to create resources which depend on the back buffer. Note that the framework already takes care of resizing the back buffer and creating a render target view.

The callback parameters

x_resolution X resolution of target window (in pixels)
y_resolution Y resolution of target window (in pixels)
fullscreen true if in fullscreen mode, false otherwise
device Interface of Direct3D device
swap_chain Interface of DXGI swap chain
back_buffer Interface of back buffer texture
See also:
cube.cpp, empty.cpp, empty_class.cpp, input.cpp, and torus.cpp.
void update ( const tk11::Duration elapsed_time  ) 

Callback for auxiliary rendering (callback).

This callback is invoked once per frame for the framework and once again for every window. The application should use this callback for updating all variables of the scene that change over time.

elapsed_time Elapsed time since startup
See also:
cube.cpp, empty.cpp, empty_class.cpp, input.cpp, and torus.cpp.

Variable Documentation

const boost::none_t tk11::not_handled = boost::none

Default result of a window procedure.

This value should be returned by the message callback if it does not handle the type of message it received.

See also:
Message_Result, message
Tk11 Direct3D 11 Toolkit version 0.2 (SourceForge)
Copyright Florian Winter 2010 - 2010. Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
(See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
Generated on Sun Apr 11 20:23:00 2010 for Tk11 by  doxygen 1.6.3