COM Pointers

Collaboration diagram for COM Pointers:


template<typename T >
< boost::is_base_of< IUnknown,
T > >::type 
boost::intrusive_ptr_add_ref (T *p)
 Add reference to COM pointer.
template<typename T >
< boost::is_base_of< IUnknown,
T > >::type 
boost::intrusive_ptr_release (T *p)
 Release reference to COM pointer.
template<class Target , class Source >
boost::intrusive_ptr< Target > tk11::query_interface (Source ps, const IID &iid=__uuidof(Target))
 Query a COM interface from another.

Detailed Description

Pointers to COM interfaces should be wrapped into boost::intrusive_ptr. See for more information. Intrusive pointers can be passed around like any other pointers, except that the user does not need to care about reference management (calling IUnknown::AddRef and IUnknown::Release).

A plain pointer to a COM interface must be assigned to an intrusive pointer as follows:

 IUnknown* tmp_unknown = ...;
 boost::intrusive_ptr<IUnknown> unknown(tmp_unknown, false);

Afterwards, the plain pointer should no longer be used, because the above code does not call AddRef.

Example: Using IUnknown::QueryInterface:

 IID iid = ...;
 IUnknown* source = ...;
 void* pv = 0;
 source->QueryInterface(iid, &pv);
 IOtherInterface* tmp_other = static_cast<IOtherInterface*>(pv);
 boost::intrusive_ptr<IOtherInterface> other(tmp_other, false);
 // Do not use tmp_other below this point

For convenience, a template helper function query_interface is also provided.

Some headers provide typedefs for certain COM interfaces to save some typing, e.g.

 typedef boost::intrusive_ptr<ID3D11Device> ID3D11Device_ptr;

Function Documentation

template<typename T >
boost::enable_if< boost::is_base_of<IUnknown, T> >::type boost::intrusive_ptr_add_ref ( T *  p  )  [inline]

Add reference to COM pointer.

This function is used by boost::intrusive_ptr to increment the reference count for a pointer. This overload is used for all and only for types derived from IUnknown.

p Pointer to COM interface
template<typename T >
boost::enable_if< boost::is_base_of<IUnknown, T> >::type boost::intrusive_ptr_release ( T *  p  )  [inline]

Release reference to COM pointer.

This function is used by boost::intrusive_ptr to decrement the reference count for a pointer. This overload is used for all and only for types derived from IUnknown.

p Pointer to COM interface
template<class Target , class Source >
boost::intrusive_ptr<Target> tk11::query_interface ( Source  ps,
const IID &  iid = __uuidof(Target) 
) [inline]

Query a COM interface from another.

Type-safe and exception-safe wrapper for IUnknown::QueryInterface.


 boost::intrusive_ptr<ISource> i1;
 boost::intrusive_ptr<ITarget> i2(query_interface<ITarget>(i1));

It is possible to explicitly specify the interface UUID, e.g. if the UUID is not known at runtime:

 boost::intrusive_ptr<IUnknown> i1;
 boost::intrusive_ptr<IUnknown> i2(query_interface<IUnknown>(i1, iid));
ps Pointer to COM interface of source type
iid Interface ID of target interface
Pointer to COM interface of destination type
Tk11 Direct3D 11 Toolkit version 0.2 (SourceForge)
Copyright Florian Winter 2010 - 2010. Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
(See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
Generated on Sun Apr 11 20:23:01 2010 for Tk11 by  doxygen 1.6.3