Render Targets
[Direct3D Utilities]

Collaboration diagram for Render Targets:


class  tk11::D3D11_Depth_Stencil_View_Desc
 Direct3D 11 Depth/stencil view description. More...
class  tk11::Render_Target_Binding
 Automatic binding of a render target. More...


ID3D11RenderTargetView_ptr tk11::create_render_target_view (ID3D11Device_ptr device, ID3D11Texture2D_ptr texture)
 Create a render target view from a texture.
ID3D11DepthStencilView_ptr tk11::create_depth_stencil_view (ID3D11Device_ptr device, ID3D11Texture2D_ptr texture)
 Create a depth/stencil view from a texture.
ID3D11DepthStencilView_ptr tk11::create_depth_stencil_view (ID3D11Device_ptr device, ID3D11Texture2D_ptr texture, const D3D11_DEPTH_STENCIL_VIEW_DESC &desc)
 Create a depth/stencil view with specific attributes from a texture.
ID3D11DepthStencilView_ptr tk11::create_depth_stencil_view_2d (ID3D11Device_ptr device, unsigned int width, unsigned int height, DXGI_FORMAT format=DXGI_FORMAT_D32_FLOAT)
 Create a 2D depth/stencil view with typical parameters.

Detailed Description

Utilities for creating and binding Direct3D render target views and depth/stencil views.

Function Documentation

ID3D11DepthStencilView_ptr tk11::create_depth_stencil_view ( ID3D11Device_ptr  device,
ID3D11Texture2D_ptr  texture,
const D3D11_DEPTH_STENCIL_VIEW_DESC &  desc 

Create a depth/stencil view with specific attributes from a texture.

Creates an ID3D11DepthStencilView view from an ID3D11Texture2D. The ID3D11Texture2D interface can be a frame buffer or any other texture buffer. The view can be bound as current render target of a device context.

device Interface of device
texture Interface of texture of which the view should be created
desc Description of view to be created
interface of created view
See also:
D3D11_Depth_Stencil_View_Desc, Render_Target_Binding
ID3D11DepthStencilView_ptr tk11::create_depth_stencil_view ( ID3D11Device_ptr  device,
ID3D11Texture2D_ptr  texture 

Create a depth/stencil view from a texture.

Creates an ID3D11DepthStencilView view from an ID3D11Texture2D. The ID3D11Texture2D interface can be a frame buffer or any other texture buffer. The view can be bound as current render target of a device context.

device Interface of device
texture Interface of texture of which the view should be created
interface of created view
See also:
D3D11_Depth_Stencil_View_Desc, Render_Target_Binding
ID3D11DepthStencilView_ptr tk11::create_depth_stencil_view_2d ( ID3D11Device_ptr  device,
unsigned int  width,
unsigned int  height,

Create a 2D depth/stencil view with typical parameters.

This is a convenience function for creating a 2D depth buffer. Creates a depth texture and a depth/stencil view of it. Only the depth/stencil view is returned.

device Interface of device
width Width of depth buffer (in pixels)
height Height of depth buffer (in pixels)
format Format of depth buffer
Interface of depth/stencil view
See also:
ID3D11RenderTargetView_ptr tk11::create_render_target_view ( ID3D11Device_ptr  device,
ID3D11Texture2D_ptr  texture 

Create a render target view from a texture.

Creates an ID3D11RenderTargetView view from an ID3D11Texture2D. The ID3D11Texture2D interface can be a frame buffer or any other texture buffer. The view can be bound as current render target of a device context.

device Interface of device
texture Interface of texture of which the view should be created
interface of created view
See also:
Tk11 Direct3D 11 Toolkit version 0.2 (SourceForge)
Copyright Florian Winter 2010 - 2010. Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
(See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
Generated on Sun Apr 11 20:23:01 2010 for Tk11 by  doxygen 1.6.3